• Electric carts
  • Push carts
  • Motorised push carts
  • Petrol carts
  • Engine rebuilds

Golf Cart pick up & return service available.

  • Competitive pricing
  • All makes and models
  • New and used

Used parts may be available to keep your costs down.

  • Repairs
  • Service
  • Replacement

Save money and down-time by maintaining your charger.

We stock a wide range of batteries, including:

  • Trojan Battery
  • Raylite solar
  • Enirgi Lithium-Gel
  • Battery Testing available

Whatever you need, no job is too small!

  • Electrical
  • Plumbing
  • Concreting
  • Renovations / Construction
  • Painting
  • Irrigation

Many other services available.

Have a specialised job in mind? We’d love to chat about it with you!

Have a Large Project?

We pride ourselves in getting the job done, and done well.
Contact us today to discuss your project needs.


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Get in Touch!

We’re always here to discuss any project you may have. Get in touch and let us know what you are looking to do!